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Examples of seasonal inspirations in my art.
Here are 2 of my acrylic abstracts that were inspired directly by seasonal factors. In Primrose Rain it is the verdant green of Spring and the rain at that time of year. In Through the Bluebell Gates it is the sense of passing through some way gate into the realm of Summer and that feeling of optimism that comes.

Seasonal Inspirations from Plant Lifecycles.
A good place to look for seasonal inspirations is the lifecycles of plants as they tend to be dependant on seasonal changes.
Below are photos I took one Winter all showing the seedhead part of the lifecycle. Many native (to U.K.) plants have seedheads in the Winter here.
Early Art from Seasonal Inspirations
Early on in my journey I focussed on the seasons themselves, representing them in plants in a series of 4 paintings. The canvasses were made with collage, Neocolour crayons, ink and acrylic paints and pens. I also created a series of seasonal patterns inspired by these paintings for the seasons.
Later on I ‘branched out’ to focus on plants which led to my Wonderful Wildflowers collection. I loved this exploration of the wildflowers of Britain and realised I could extend it to include wildlife. This led me to thinking about the relationships within the natural work and this will be the focus of a future collection.

Thinking about relationships in nature coincided with my son getting a dog. This was a relationship in action and has led to my current series ‘A Friend Indeed’. This series focusses on the relationship with a pet through all the ways they communicate their needs and ideas to us … but more on that in a coming article……
I feel like coming back to the seasons and how they interconnect with our lives is a good way to ground ourselves. This is what I see as the strength of pagan beliefs and practices – they take the natural world as their cornerstone. I think if we all went back to nature for our spiritual sustenance a bit more we might take better care of the planet.
Anyhoo I hope this has been an interesting insight into the journey from seasonal inspirations through various art series and back to the underpinning theme of nature. Thanks for reading and I hope you’ll visit again soon. Cerian xx